Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't really know about Rod

"Subject: Great Visit!

Thanks SSOOO much for visiting with me today. I, for one, am so put off by the stuff flooding the Internet that I always check, and double check, the alleged sources.

When I saw that you had the courage and fortitude to list your email address and phone number, I just had to give it a shot and I was, of course, pleasantly surprised.

I am going to ask my cousin, Bob Howard, about the "checkerboard" sign that meant, "Turn Right!" when landing at Kai Tak. You guys always amaze me with your skills.

I, for one, have trouble walking upright, so you can imagine what a challenge it would be to try to fly a plane. I actually had 10 hours of flight instruction, when I realized that I would be the guy that says, "Hey! Let's go get a case of Miller Lite and go flying!"

Again, I do appreciate your forthrightness.


I must confess that after putting in a 17 hour day, I was just dozing off when you called. I wouldn't have missed it for anything! Wow! A call from Hong Kong already! What a gem you are to have made that call and how delighted I was to speak with you! I never once thought that my "Plea" would gather so much attention from so many real Americans who actually CARE! My profound thanks for that.

Let's stay in touch and all best to you and yours -

"Thank you Mr. Lear for your email that was forwarded to me on the election. Rod is a friend of mine, Whom I believe called you about your email (He lives in Hong Kong). Our friendship has suffered because I support McCain and he supports Obama. In fact I have felt so strongly about this that I joined the Republican party as a volunteer. Rod has constantly bombarded me with emails attacking McCain/Palin and others praising Obama .Even times ridiculing me for my beliefs. My own brother (He is a Chiropractor in California) told me I must not be a very intelligent person for supporting McCain. To have someone as distinguished as you to write exactly how I feel has made my day. I cannot thank you enough. Shelly"
Very odd. When I spoke with Rod he never mentioned his position on Obama. In fact, I had the distinct impression that he agreed with me ... Most odd.

Thank you for your kind words. I also have children who are rabid Liberals. We don't speak anymore and it's sad. They're professional heirs who believe the world owes them a living - as do most misguided suicidal Liberals.

Hang in there, my friend. I have a good feeling about the outcome.


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