Saturday, November 1, 2008


"Subject: Re: Straight talk for Republicans and Democrats.
Importance: High

So, I guess according to your screwed up analysis, McCain is good for this country. This is the guy who had a military history of crashing 7 planes and killing more than hundred of US marines. The guy who was imprisoned by the enemies and had to give state and military secrets to stay alive. The guy who hid the fact that there were many other abandoned Vietnam prisoners of war who were not rescued because he did not want to open the files and expose himself. The guy who was one of the Keating Five in the famous scandal of corruption in the Congress. The guy who chose Sara Palin who, among many other disqualifying characteristics, is a fanatic fundamentalist seeking help from a preacher to drive the bad spirits and witches away. That preacher is, by the way, is a Kenyan terrorist. McCain is a guy who wants to privatize social security to benefit his cronies, and screw up the pensioners, and the taxpayers. A guy who has 7 houses and 13 cars and doesn't have a clue about economics. If this is your choice, smarty pants, then the difference between him and Obama is a very clear choice to me. Obama did not vote for an illegal war which is still costing the country in the vicinity of 15 billion a month. He had the judgment to know that, along with very few Congress men and women, while GWB and McCain and their neo-cons were fueling the fire for war. Big difference Sir. Obama is a smart, intelligent and responsible candidate for presidency who cares about the basic American values, social justice and the constitution. Raise above your prejudice and racist ideas and think about the interest of the country for a change. The best thing you should advise the republicans, including McCain, is that they lost it. They lost it when they lost touch with reality. Reality lies in the interest of the grassroot majority of the American people. Their current principles are far away from the principles of the real republican party of such good presidents as Lincoln and Eisenhower. Take your lies and racist propaganda away and STOP sending these hate messages on the internet.
Dear Komrade Mona,

I really don't care if McCain crashed 30 airplanes. At least he CAN fly, he WAS and is a patriot, he served his country well, When the hell was the snake oil salesman, Obama, ever in the military or served "HIS" country in any way other than to organize communities to adopt socialism. I suppose you're one of the poor demented souls without education, knowledge or intelligence to be able to recognize a dude with known criminal, terrorist and socialist associations and you want HIM to be your President?

Sweet Jesus, please tell me that this is all a terrible nightmare you people are having after overdosing on those damned stupid pills.


Anonymous said...

Get Mona a transcript of the 2001 NPR interview where His Majesty laments that the Supremes didn't go far enough in the sixties. BHO thinks the Supremes should have taken the lead at that time and begun legalizing the confiscation of more wealth for "redistributive" purposes...

His Majesty BHO doesn't care one wit about the sanctity and wisdom of our founding document. Somebody help me!!! The trolls of ignorance are multiplying exponentially and my ammo is dwindling.

"All the leaders of groups tend to be frauds. If they were not, it would be impossible for them to retain the allegiance of their dupes."

H.L. Mencken

Wenatchee1 said...

What Bill Lear is most concerned about is having to cover the $165,000 he bet that Obama would lose. He wrote to me that he'll shoot himself if Obama wins and he also told me to wash my mouth out with a revolver. What a great, stable guy. I'd be happy to supply the entire email exchange upon request.

Anonymous said...

Bill Lear..... where are you..... Obama won..... Have you been put in a nursing home? All of you racists must be on a suicide watch right about now. Feel Free to leave the Country any time. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Barack Hussein Obama - 44th President of the United States of America.

Lisa Hussein

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